Breathwork - Custom Group!
Message to book: virtual or in-Person includes intention-setting, meditation, integration, card pull
Service Description
The Breathwork I practice is three parts all executed through the mouth. The client lies in a relaxed position and inhales through the mouth into the belly and then the chest, thoroughly inflating the abdominal cavity before releasing the exhale through the mouth. breathwork sessions begin with a meditative period that includes the opportunity for the client to set their own intention. Once they are relaxed they are invited to begin the practice of the active breath. This is done at the cadence of the clients' choosing for 15-28 minutes (usually). After the 15-28 minutes of active breath practice, breathing is returned to the "normal" state of the client. I then guide them in a time of integration (about 15 minutes). This time allows the benefits of the active breath practice to integrate into the body, mind and soul of the client. Benefits of conscious breathwork practice may include: Balanced blood pressure More time in deep sleep Reduction of PTSD and feelings of trauma Stronger respiratory function Better immune system Release of stress hormones from your body Emotional Benefits of Breathwork may include: Fewer feelings of depression and anxiety Better mental focus Decrease in addictive behaviors Allowing emotional scars to heal Better outlook on life Contentment and joy
Cancellation Policy
Your payment ensures your reservation. No cancellations for packages; you have 1 year to use your purchase. ​ Rescheduling must be made more than 12 hours in advance. Cancellations must be made more than 72 hours in advance. More than 15 minutes late results in an automatic cancellation and no reimbursement. If you are less than 15 minutes late, the time will be deducted from your session. Please be in communication if you are going to be late. Online sessions are facilitated via Zoom; a link will be sent by email prior to your session. In-person breathwork, reiki and coaching sessions are only available in Seattle, WA in the Be Golden Studio. No recordings for cancellations will be provided. Please contact hello@begoldenwithjendiamond if you need financial assistance.
Contact Details
Seattle, WA, USA